Pinball Rule Dynamics

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This is a master repository of the different types of pinball rules that can be implemented - this is an evolving, ever-expanding list.

- Mike (from

My original inspiraction for compiling this list was from here:

Pinball Dynamics
Name Description Additional Info
Bonus Extra points awarded at end of each ball (as long as you don't tilt) - the points are determined either by hitting specific bonus targets (in older games) or as a value based on switch hits + other game objectives.
Bonus Multiplier Adding 2x, 3x or more to bonus Sometimes a multiplier can be carried over to subsequent balls (on Raven, completing the top rollovers add a permanent bonus multiplier the remainder of the game, so achieving those features early is beneficial)

Bonus Held Bonus on one ball carries over to next ball
Bonus Carryover Certain game features will incur permanent bonus for the rest of the game. This can include ladder objectives. On Paragon, if you achieve a certain level of bonus (20k+) it will carry over to subsequent balls.
Ladder Objective i.e. Yellow Brick Road in WOZ, Zombie Kills in TWD, Ramps and combo shots in Rush. In some cases achieving x of these will grant things like extra balls and other game features
Playfield Multiplier A (usually temporary) timed mode where all or certain switches are worth 2x, 3x, etc.
Playfield Multiplier / Carryover/Permanent On Godzilla, if you complete a city, it provides a permanent playfield multiplier for the rest of the game.
Hurryup A specific objective or target that lights for a large amount of points, and then "counts down" to 0 over a short period of time. The sooner you hit it, the more points you get.

Switch countdown A hurry up that is based on the # of switch hits. For example a mode that will last as long as a counter stays above 0. That counter stars at 100, and drops by -1 for each switch that's hit. Hitting certain shots adds value to the counter.
Flipper Equity X number of flipper flips are available. Do what you can in X flips. Possibly with ways to add more flipper flips.
High Score Profiles In addition to storing the name/score for a player, also indicate the degree of their progress. i.e. grand champion achieved these goals: xxx
Player Profiles Allow a player to store a profile. The "code word" for the player is a certain combination of L/R/x flipper button pattern or an ID number. Optionally allow a web interface to push data to a central server that the pinball machine regularly polls to get player info/progress/details (originally pitched to JJP by Mike/Pinballhelp prior to Stern implementing this feature)
Mode Score Challenges In addition to having high score tables per mode, while in the mode, keep a tab of how many points have been acquired in that mode thus far, along with the current high score for that mode - it could even be a bar graph.
Switch Frenzy Timed mode where all switches are worth extra points

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