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See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.

    "batchcomplete": "",
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        "logevents": [
                "logid": 67,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Sound Libraries",
                "pageid": 41,
                "logpage": 41,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Admin",
                "timestamp": "2024-05-07T01:47:24Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"Here is a listing of any sound resources.   Mike / PinballHelp's library of sounds for pinball games - - This is a library of custom .WAV sounds available for RetroPin Developers.  No royalties, but please give attribution to \"Mike from\"\""
                "logid": 66,
                "ns": 2,
                "title": "User:MutterFudder",
                "pageid": 0,
                "logpage": 0,
                "params": {
                    "userid": 11
                "type": "newusers",
                "action": "byemail",
                "user": "Admin",
                "timestamp": "2023-07-22T20:49:01Z",
                "comment": ""
                "logid": 65,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Initializing the Library",
                "pageid": 40,
                "logpage": 40,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "DickHamill",
                "timestamp": "2023-07-01T17:18:53Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"In the .ino file, the setup() function will initialize the RPU library and prepare the MPU for booting.   There are several options for the RPU_InitializeMPU function that allow the developer to choose how the machine will boot.      '''   unsigned long RPU_InitializeMPU(unsigned long initOptions=RPU_CMD_PERFORM_MPU_TEST, byte creditResetSwitch=0xFF);   '''      By default, the RPU_InitializeMPU function will assume that it should boot to the new code running on the Ardu...\""
                "logid": 64,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "BSOS Hardware Revisions",
                "pageid": 39,
                "logpage": 18,
                "params": {
                    "target_ns": 0,
                    "target_title": "RPU Hardware Revisions"
                "type": "move",
                "action": "move",
                "user": "DickHamill",
                "timestamp": "2023-06-24T16:23:42Z",
                "comment": "rebranding of BSOS to MPU"
                "logid": 63,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Pinball Rule Dynamics",
                "pageid": 38,
                "logpage": 38,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Admin",
                "timestamp": "2023-03-22T17:35:26Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"This is a master repository of the different types of pinball rules that can be implemented - this is an evolving, ever-expanding list.  - Mike (from  My original inspiraction for compiling this list was from here:  {| class=\"wikitable\" style=\"margin:auto\" |+ Pinball Dynamics  |+ ! Name !! Description !! Additional Info  |- |Switch countdown || A hurry up that is based on the # of switch hits. For example...\""
                "logid": 62,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "List of known BSOS installations",
                "pageid": 37,
                "logpage": 37,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Admin",
                "timestamp": "2023-01-08T22:39:40Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"== Known BSOS Installations (existing games modified with BSOS) ==  Following is a list of known BSOS games and their (general) location.  Many of these may be in private locations, but if there's a way to contact the owners, it may be possible to visit/demo the games.  Since this Wiki is the official BSOS Wiki, we're going to sequentially number each known instance of the game as has been submitted to us.  {| class=\"wikitable\" |Title |Game # |Status |Owner |Location |No...\""
                "logid": 61,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "How to Build,Get, & Install on Your Machine",
                "pageid": 36,
                "logpage": 28,
                "params": {
                    "target_ns": 0,
                    "target_title": "How to Build and Install on Your Machine"
                "type": "move",
                "action": "move",
                "user": "DickHamill",
                "timestamp": "2023-01-06T21:29:11Z",
                "comment": "simplification"
                "logid": 60,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Part Sources",
                "pageid": 35,
                "logpage": 35,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Admin",
                "timestamp": "2023-01-06T18:12:42Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"== Arduinos ==  * Mega 2560 Pro [[ via Ali Express]] - currently $9.55 each (Still being tested by Mike)\""
                "logid": 59,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "MEGA 2560 PRO",
                "pageid": 34,
                "logpage": 34,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "Admin",
                "timestamp": "2023-01-06T18:09:55Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"[[File:Mega2560 Pro.jpg|right]] The Aduino Mega 2560 Pro is the current generation of CPUs being used for Rev 3+ BSOS systems.  -- Product Sources --  * [[ Ali Express]]\""
                "logid": 58,
                "ns": 0,
                "title": "Preparing your WAV trigger",
                "pageid": 33,
                "logpage": 33,
                "params": {},
                "type": "create",
                "action": "create",
                "user": "JohnT",
                "timestamp": "2023-01-05T04:46:41Z",
                "comment": "Created page with \"=Preparing your WAV Trigger= BSOS uses a Robersonics WAV trigger to play sound effects. The WAV trigger needs to be upgraded and prepared to optimally work with BSOS.  The general order is:  #Make sure you have a nice table cloth on your table #Purchase a WAV trigger from [ Amazon] or [ SparkFun] #Solder headers onto the 6 pin section of the WAV trigger to enable serial control #Bridge the 5V inpu...\""